This document is available on the web at
But also in your (Android) Downloads folder once you've started the app and tapped the menu item "Instructions PDF" in the first options menu.
If you're using an iPhone you can download it here: TurboHomeGameDocumentation.pdf
If you're tired of slow poker home games this is the page for you. Did you know that online poker can be up to 6 times faster than live
poker? That's why I've made this phone app for Android and iPhone. The program uses WiFi so your phone has to be able to connect to your local WiFi.
If there's no WiFi where you are you may use an extra phone as a hot spot, which gives you WiFi but no access to the Internet.
(Only No Limit Texas Hold 'em Cash Game and Tournament are supported at the moment.) It has been tested on Samsung Galaxy S3, S5 and iPhone 5S phones, but verified using an
emulator for lots of other screen resolutions. There's a free version called TurboHomeGameFREE with ads available at Google Play Store and Apple App Store so you can test it. There's
also a version available without ads which cost money. The maximum number of players are 9 (one game leader and 8 regular players).
Trouble shooting:
If one player keeps pressing the "Send" button and nothing seems to happen, the game leader should tap "Resend Action" available in his
options menu. This will send the action currently set on the phone, which seems to have been locked, and let the game progress.
(The "Resend Requests" option below has been replaced.)
There also a "Restore Game" option which will restore your last game. This will require that all of the phones which were participating in
your most recent game are connected. You also have to be connected to the same WiFi since it identifies your phones via their IP-addresses.
When testing the app using a different (much worse) WiFi-network than I usually use I had to try to connect to the same port several times. I knew the port
was free. After three attempts I finally got connected.
App Stores:
My app is now available on Google Play.
PAID version:
FREE version:
Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.
It's not available on Apple App Store since all gambling simulation apps provided by non-enterprise customers are banned from the Apple
App Store.
A brief intro video
Walkthrough: No Limit Texas Hold 'em Tournament
I will guide you through the player option and the game leader option simultaneously. The leftmost phone is an iPhone. The other two are Android handsets.
If you're not connected to your local WiFi, then do so now! If there is no WiFi where you're located, you can use an extra phone as your hot spot giving
you WiFi so you can play even though you are not able to access the web.
Above the options menus have been expanded. They are frequently use in the early stage of the game.
The iPhone's options menu is available by tapping the three small horizontal lines at the top left. On an Android phone you tap the three vertical dots at the top right.
For the old Android phone in the middle it pops up when tapping the bottom left area below the screen of the phone.
The iPhone options menu is also available by tapping and holding the left hand side of the screen and then dragging it to the right.
Choose whether you want to be the game leader or just a player. (The game
leader also participates in the game.) There can only be one game
leader. All players will connect to this person's phone via WiFi.
The address is by default set to start with 192.168. since a lot of home routers start with 192.168. If you have a different beginning of
your IP-address, just erase the beginning and type your own IP-address.
If you choose to be a player, you will immediately see a popup where you're prompted to enter the IP-address of the game leader.
The game leader's IP-address is shown on his phone when he opens his options menu at this stage of the game.
In this case his IP-address is
Then choose which port on the game leader's phone to connect to. Two players may not connect to the same port.
If you see a message that the connection has been refused, try a different port. (One player must have chosen the
game leader option for you to be able to do this. He has to be ready to open connections.)
The phone will now start attempting to connect to the game leader phone.
When all players are connected you will see one row for each player with the text "Vacant Seat". (2 players + 1 game leader = 3 rows)
On the lower part of the screen you have the keypad. (The keys read "Raise", "Call" "Check", "Fold", etc.)
Use the fold and raise keys to navigate to a seat of your choice.
Now choose the option "Take Seat" from the options menu. There's also a "Leave Seat" option once you're seated in case you want to choose a different seat.
When a player is seated at a certain seat the text will change to "Occupied".
Now from the options menu choose the option "Enter name"
(or the alias you want to use at the table). The name/alias may not be
shorter than three characters long.
Now everyone's got a name.
If you press the
menu option marked "Release Name" you will release
your name so someone else can use it. You will have to enter a different
name/alias. Now it's up to the game leader to set up the table. The keys
you use when playing are listed below in the section "The poker table
keys" at the bottom of this page. The game leader should choose the option
"All Seated" from the options menu when everyone's done setting their names.
Game Leader: Choose the Tournament option shown above!
Game Leader: Choose your starting blinds by increasing them with the Raise-button or decreasing with the Fold-button.
Then tap the menu option OK.
Game Leader: Choose your blind level duration by increasing them with the Raise-button or decreasing with the Fold-button.
Then tap the menu option OK.
Your name is always at the bottom of the stack.
Game Leader: Choose "Start Game"!
Game Leader: Choose "Draw Button Card"!
The phone in the middle, Fred, won the button!
Game Leader: Choose "Deal Cards"!
Now everyone's got cards and the blinds have been posted.
Let's show the cards so y'all can see what's going on.
Fred raises 60 (To see how to bet, look below at the bottom of the page for the function of each key.
Basically set the amount you want to bet and hit the Send-button.)
Lisa makes a pot size bet. 2 * 60 + 60 + 20 = 200
You may also use pre-set actions before it's your turn to act. (Also described at the bottom of this page.)
The Flop
The Turn
The River
Asking the players if they want to show their cards at the showdown...
Fred opted not to show his cards. He didn't win any money so he didn't have to show his cards.
Lisa won with her AAA.
Look at the phone on the left. From the options menu you are can change to "Digit Mode" (The menu item is called "HotKey/Digit"). Now you get digit keys so you can enter your raise amount
with digits instead of using 1BB, 1/4PB and so on. Strict poker rules apply though. If somebody raises 20 you will not be able to raise to 30. You have to raise the amount to call to at least 40.
In case you don't like the 4 color deck, you can change to using a 2 color deck instead by taping the menu item "4 Color Deck".
If you want to Fold & Show there's an option for that too. When it's your turn to act: Tap the Fold-button and then the F&S-button. The pop-up
shown in the top image above will appear. When you tap one of the three options the screens on all phones will change to the image on the bottom
above. Here Lisa has chosen to show her left card but hide her right card to everyone. The screen changes back to its normal mode when Lisa taps
one of her keys in her keypad. Lisa is in control of how long she wants to show her card/s.
Walkthrough: No Limit Texas Hold 'em Cash Game
The only difference between the Tournament-option and the Cash Game-option
from the players' point of view is what the game table looks like. Above
is an image of it. You can see at the top that the blind level is 0.50/1.
For everything else look in the Tournament section described earlier in this document.
Game Leader:
From the options menu choose "New Game" then choose "Cash Game". Select your blind level using the Raise and Fold keys.
Then select OK from the options menu.
Now the Game Leader phone changes to Digit Mode so you are able to set your starting stacks. Move between the different players using the Raise
and Fold keys. OBS! You will not be able to start the game until there is some money in each stack.
Now select "Draw Button Card" and then "Deal Cards" from the options menu.
Everything else is the same as in the Tournament section described earlier in this document.
When the game leader is trying to deal the cards nothing will happen. This may occur when one of the players had a monster in the last hand. A
monster request is sent out to the player who had the monster. You have
to use at least one of your pocket cards to make your hand for this to happen. If
the board is a straight flush nothing will happen.
On the players phone it will look like this. The player is given a choice of showing his monster to the other players or
not to.
Here is what the screen will look like when the player who had the monster has chosen to show it to all other players.
As soon as a monster is detected it is recorded and a request to show or not to show will be
sent out after the hand has ended. This will happen even if you fold in
the middle of the hand. The player holding the monster is in control of how long he wants to
show his monster. The game leader will not be able to deal any new cards until
the player holding the monster has tapped one of his keypad buttons. After that the control of the game is returned to the game leader.
Reconnect Player and Restore
Apps sometimes crash. This even happens to more professional apps especially on Android. If nine players have been playing for two hour you don't
want to start all over again just because an app on one of your phones crashes. To mitigate these problems I've implemented one feature called
"Restore" and another one called "Reconnect Player". This is how they work:
Restore: This feature is used to restore your last game. You could actually stop the game one day and continue the next day as long as:
1. All players who participated yesterday are present and connected today.
2. No new players have joined since the last game.
3. Everyone has exactly the same IP-addresses as they did in your last game.
You don't have to be seated in the same seat (port) or have the same alias. Your old seat will be restored and so will your alias. The game leader
has to tap "Restore Game" when this is present in the menu. (It's at the same stage as when "Draw Button Card" appears in the menu.) If he misses and presses
"Draw Button Card" he has another chance in the next menu by choosing "New Game". (Then you go round the loop again and eventually return to the menu where the "Restore Game"
option is available.) If he instead chooses "Deal Cards", the game is lost forever and you will not
be able to restore it at a later time. So using the Restore feature everyone will have to connect or re-connect if an app crashes. If you're in the middle of a game and
one of your apps crash he should instead use the "Reconnect Player" feature. This is not possible if the game leader phone crashes. Then you have to use the Restore feature.
Reconnect Player:
The state before (above).
Both apps crashed.
First the game leader has to tap "Reconnect" in his options menu (showed on the right). Then the players whos apps crashed can go ahead and at
the very first options menu choose the option "Reconnect Player" (showed on the left above).
One player has reconnected. A "Restore" cannot be triggered. Don't worry about the error message on the game leader phone.
Both players are reconnected. A "Restore" is triggered.
The restore progresses.
We're back where we started.
Here's a YouTube video which demonstrates "Reconnect Player":
The poker table keys
Hot Key mode - Pre-set actions will be executed
immediately when it's your turn to act. If no action is set when it's your
turn to act you will have to set an action and then hit the #-key.
(To switch between hot key and digit mode use the menu keys
(the top left or right key) to select the option "Hot Key/Digit")
"RAISE" - Min raise any before it's your time to act. Min raise when
the action is to you.
"CALL" - Call any before it's your time to act. Call/Check when the
action is to you.
"CHECK" - Check/Fold before it's your time to act. No Function when
the action is to you.
"FOLD" - Fold before it's your time to act. Fold when the action is
to you.
"BACK" - No Function
"CLEAR" - Cancel pre-set action before it's your time to act.
"1BB" - No Function before it's your time to act. Raise one
big blind when the action is to you.
"2BB" - No Function before it's your time to act. Raise two big blinds
when the action is to you.
"3BB" - No Function before it's your time to act. Raise three big
blinds when the action is to you.
"4BB" - No Function before it's your time to act. Raise four big
blinds when the action is to you.
"1/4PB" - No Function before it's your time to act. Raise 1/4 pot size
when the action is to you.
"1/2PB" - No Function before it's your time to act. Raise 1/2 pot size
when the action is to you.
"3/4PB" - No Function before it's your time to act. Raise 3/4 pot size
when the action is to you.
"1PB" - No Function before it's your time to act. Raise 1/1 pot size
when the action is to you.
"NINE" - No Function
"ALLIN" - All-in before it's your time to act. All-in when the action is
to you.
"SHOW" - View cards before it's your time to act. View cards when the
action is to you.
"SEND" - No Function before it's your time to act. Execute action when
the action is to you.
"F&S" - No Function before it's your time to act. Fold-and-Show when the action is to you.
Digit mode - Pre-set actions will be executed
immediately when it's your turn to act. If no action is set when it's your
turn to act you will have to set an action and then hit the #-key.
(To switch between hot key and digit mode use the menu keys
(the top left or right key) to select the option "Hot Key/Digit")
"RAISE" - Min raise any before it's your time to act. Min raise when
the action is to you.
"CALL" - Call any before it's your time to act. Call/Check when the
action is to you.
"CHECK" - Check/Fold before it's your time to act. No Function when
the action is to you.
"FOLD" - Fold before it's your time to act. Fold when the action is
to you.
"BACK" - No Function before it's your time to act. Back space when
the action is to you.
"CLEAR" - Cancel pre-set action before it's your time to act.
"1" - Cancel pre-set action before it's your time to act. One when
the action is to you.
"2" - No Function before it's your time to act. Two when the action
is to you.
"3" - No Function before it's your time to act. Three when the
action is to you.
"4" - No Function before it's your time to act. Four when the action
is to you.
"5" - No Function before it's your time to act. Five when the action
is to you.
"6" - No Function before it's your time to act. Six when the action
is to you.
"7" - No Function before it's your time to act. Seven when the
action is to you.
"8" - No Function before it's your time to act. Eight when the
action is to you.
"9" - No Function before it's your time to act. Nine when the action
is to you.
"." - No Function before it's your time to act. Decimal point when
the action is to you.
"0" - No Function before it's your time to act. Zero when the action
is to you.
"SEND" - No Function before it's your time to act. Execute action when
the action is to you.
"F&S" - No Function before it's your time to act. Fold-and-Show when the action is to you.
contents of this website may not be used for commercial purposes without
the consent of the Author. Use the information at this website at your own
risk. I'm not taking any responsibilities for the trouble it may cause you
or your company.